[RUS] / [ENG]- Theoretical problems of ecology
- V. K. Shitikov, Т. D. Zinchenko. Multivariate statistical analysis of ecological communities (review)
- Е. S. Izmest’ev, S. А. Rubtsova, А. V. Kutchin. Environmental aspects of sulfate turpentine refining (review)
- Monitoring of anthropogenically disturbed areas
- L. V. Kondakova, К. А. Bezdenezhnykh, Т. Ya. Аshikhmina. Algological analysis of soil state in the vicinity of the plant “Maradykovskiy” after it finished functioning
- A. P. Kuklin, B. G. Ts. Tsybekmitova. Content of toxic elements in water and macroalgae of the Argun River (Russia) basin water courses
- Chemistry of natural environments and objects
- E. G. Riabova Content of heavy metals in urban surface water bodies
- E. N. Gordina, A. A. Zlobin, E. A. Martinson, S. G. Litvinets. Pectic polysaccharides of callus tissue of the stem of Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden.
- Population ecology
- E. A. Snegin, A. S. Barkhatov. Morphogenetic structure of marsh frog populations of Pelophylax ridibundus (Amphibia, Anura) under conditions of urban environment
- L. P. Kapelkina, T. E. Teplyakova. Red Book of vascular plants along oil pipelines in Yaroslavl Region
- I. N. Yuraneva, V. G. Zainullin.The dynamics of the elements of fitness of experimental populations of Drosophila under conditions of chronic low-intensity exposure
- O. Y. Mineev, Y. N. Mineev, S. K. Kochanov. Distribution, number and protection of the Falconiformes in Nenets Autonomous district
- Ecologization of production
- E. I. Tikhomirova, O. A. Plotnikova, O. V. Atamanova, M. V. Istrashkina, A. V. Koshelev, A. L. Podolsky The use of multicomponent adsorption filters in water purification systems and luminescent control of ecotoxicant content
- L. A. Ivanova, V. A. Myazin, M. V. Korneykova, N. V. Fokina, V. V. Redkina, G. A. Evdokimova. Development and optimization of biological treatment of quarry waters from mineral nitrogen in the Arctic
- I. A. Zyryanov, A. P. Pozolotin, A. G. Budin, E. V. Kantor. The possibility of reducing the toxicity of gaseous emissions of power plants by the effect of an electrostatic field on the organic fuel combustion zone
- Agroecology
- L. I. Domracheva, D. V. Kozylbayeva, A. L. Kovina, L. V. Trefilova, Yu. N. Zykova, M. N. Gripas, V. A. Izotova. Optimization of the microbiological composition of the biological product for cultivation of Lotus corniculatus
- N. E. Zavyalova, I. G. Shirokikh, A. I. Kosolapova, A. A. Shirokikh. Microbial transformation of organic matter of sod-podzolic soils in the Pre-Urals under conditions of different use and application of mineral fertilizers
- Social ecology
- I. Yu. Trushkova, T. Ya. Ashikhmina, L. V. Kondakova Ethnoecology of the Slavic World: application significance on the Eurasian space
- M. A. Kostenko, O. V. Popova, M. Lutovac “Smart” state regulation in the sphere of environmental protection and nature
- I. A. Grebnev. Problems of state regulation of the organization of protection zones for hunting resources
Дата последнего обновления: 14:44:35/04.01.25
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