 [RUS] / [ENG]- Section 1. Ecology
- G.N.Savvinov. Ecological paradigm as the basis for the current stage of scientific research in Arctic Yakutia
- G.P. Novgorodov, M.Y. Cheprasov, G.G. Boeskorov. History of mammalian studies of mammoth fauna of the Kolyma river basin
- M.Yu. Cheprasov, S.E. Grigoriev, G.P. Novgorodov. Finding a full carcase of a fossil elk (Alces SP.)
- В.С. Боескоров, Г.Н. Саввинов. Ногохвостки (collembola) арктических тундр Якутии и их перспективы в биоиндикации состояния экосистем
- L.D. Gavrilyeva. Impact of geological exploration on vegetation of sub-zones of downcomer forests
- L.T.Kovekovdova, M.V.Simokon,I.S.Narevich,The features of the elemental composition formation by marine crustaceans (Paralithodes camchaticus) and (Chionoecetes opilio)
- В. И. Капков, Е. В. Шошина, А. Н. Камнев. Экологическая характеристика бентосного сообщества губы ярнышная Баренцева моря
- I.N. Simonova. Ecological and economic efficiency of measures to reduce emissions into the atmosphere at the enterprise "Bashmakovsky Flour Mill"
- SECTION 2.Geoecology
- S.I.Mironova, L.P.Kapelkina. Regulatory framework and regional approaches to the reclamation of lands disturbed during the development of diamond deposits in Yakutia
- A.G. Gololobova. Variation statistics in ecological and geochemical studies of soils causing technogenic pollution
- M.I. Ksenofontova, A.G. Popova, T.T. Kirillina. Assessment of the quality of natural and technogenic waters in the subarctic zone of Yakutia: a case study of the village of Batagai, the Verkhoyansk Region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))
- Раздел 3. Физическая география и биогеография, география почв и геохимия ландшафтов
- V.V. Velichenko. Hunting resources of the nomadic tribal community “Wattah Haya”: state and prospects of use
- V.S. Makarov, G.N. Savvinov, A.G. Gololobova. Temperature regime of the frozen soils of the Kuidusun Depression of the Oymyakon Highlands
- A.A. Petrov. Young soils of dumps for the mining of diamond deposits in the North-West of Yakutia
- P.P.Danilov, G.N.Savvinov, V.S.Boeskorov, I.I.Alekseev. On the transformation of northern taiga soils in northwestern Yakutia
- E.A. Kashutina, S.V. Yasinskiy, E.V. Venitsianov, E.S. Grishantseva, M.V. Sidorova. Pollution transport assessing in different forms in the aquatic environment
- E.A. Cherenkova, M.V. Sidorova. A climatic shift in summer conditions of humidification in the Ural River basin in the recent decades
- S.I. Shaporenko. Assessment of water management load on the largest rivers of the European part of Russia
- G.S. Rozenberg, N.V. Kostina, G.E. Kudinova, R.S. Kuznetsova, A.G. Rozenberg. 50 Years of one of the first programs of conservation of the Volga–Ural–Caspian
Дата последнего обновления: 14:44:35/04.01.25
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